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필핀 인플이션의 원인과 심각성!!!(14)

Views : 7,706 2018-07-26 20:17
자유게시판 1273942187
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필핀 인플이션의 원인과 심각성!!!

요약 해석은 맨 아래~~~

Many of our trade and finance officials are tripping over each other trying to explain to an increasingly distressed public why skyrocketing aggregate prices should not be blamed on the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law.

Their explanations divert from the effect of taxes and instead focus on global events on one end, and unscrupulous profiteers and opportunists on the other.

Meanwhile, the public is hurting. Reform had come by way of an effective increase in the net pay of minimum wage earners when the tax exemption bracket was expanded.

It did not matter that the domestic percentage increase attributable to TRAIN is arithmetically minimal. That it is inflicted across every link in the value chain helps it snowball, impacting quite painfully at the consumer end. Rather than simply comparing TRAIN’s add-on to fuel prices as against increments slapped on by global price increases, we should compute instead for the econometric impact of fuel price increases on every conceivable product that uses fuel as a cost input.

The phenomenon is called “cost-push” inflation. The term alone reveals that rising costs caused by higher expenses from fuel and energy transportation electricity generation and distribution rates, even food as shortages occur, are part of the cost-push catalyst that result in inflation.

Not all are attributable to TRAIN, however. Since rice is a basic staple and part of every Filipino meal, the recent shortage fiasco pushed prices up. The importation solution to the shortage, while alleviating domestic shortage pressures, was aggravated by high costs. Not only are importations more expensive, but when purchased with a weaker peso, the toxic chemistry of low supplies and weaker currencies tend to contribute to high inflation.

The same is likely to occur as the Sugar Regulatory Commission has likewise decided to import sugar due to a shortage. Sugar is a multiplier across various food, beverage and medicinal products. Imported sugar will be paid with our weak peso, which will effectively raise its price. Since sugar demand is basically constant, here we have another example of cost-push inflation.

There is, however, another kind of inflation spawned from the opposite side of the law of supply and demand. Demand-pull inflation occurs when the demand for a commodity raises its price and thereby fuels inflation. The simplest examples are the astronomical prices of red roses on St. Valentine’s Day and the price of Majestic Ham during the Yuletide season.
With opposite of cost-push inflation – when too much money chases too few goods, as in the example of red roses and ham – prices tend to rise and inflation results.

Demand-pull inflation indicates economic overheating and becomes a matter of increasing concern among bankers and financial intermediaries, as well as capitalists seeking better returns on their peso investments. This is alarming because it is caused by monetary policies.
The 4.6 percent rise in headline inflation and the higher five percent plus in urban centers show both supply and demand side inflationary factors. Demand-pull inflation is caused by our monetary authorities’ aversion to raising key policy rates and their maintenance of low reserve levels that keep large sums of pesos in circulation. In effect, there’s too much money in the system. Loose reins on money have a tendency to keep money supply up and this invariably forces peso values south as aggregate prices rise.

While key policy rates rose slightly last May, reserve levels remain inordinately low and, thus, are contradictory. These conflicting policies sow confusion and are indicative of sluggish policy responses to run-away inflation, making us wonder if our monetary authorities are on the ball.


"필핀 인플이션의 원인과 심각성 ... 후덜덜"


질의 중... 30초 정도 걸려요 ...
  본 글을 신고하시겠습니까?
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똥꿈을꿈 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-26 20:30 No. 1273942202
8 포인트 획득. ... 힘내세요!
후덜덜 하네요.
고바우1 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-26 20:35 No. 1273942206
아니 제목 그대로 해석 끝?
아주 공으로 먹어유,ㅠㅠㅠ

요즘 집값은 워낙 매수자가 없어 값이 그대로지만.
정말 인플레때문인지 땅값은 후덜덜이네요.

자 땅들 사세요.ㅋ
아프리카sos [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-27 05:41 No. 1273942452
48 포인트 획득. 축하!
@ 고바우1 님에게...
땅 사믄 팔수 있을까요ᆢ차후에~~^^
아트 시스템 공조
Africasos com
PeterH [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-30 12:34 No. 1273945068
10 포인트 획득. ... 힘내세요!
@ 아프리카sos 님에게...
Just sell the land so that you have your money
고바우1 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-27 09:15 No. 1273942514
38 포인트 획득. 축하!
@ 아프리카sos 님에게...
그냥 은행에 넣어두세요.ㅋ
팔라완짱 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-26 21:15 No. 1273942259
42 포인트 획득. 축하!
몰에가서 전자제품 안사고 필리핀에서 생산되는 농산물이나 축산물만 구입하고 살면...
인플레가 심각한지 잘 모르고 살 것 같아요.
고바우1 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-26 21:28 No. 1273942271
@ 팔라완짱 님에게...
티비가 무지 떨어졌어요.
9만 넘든게 7만 밑으론가?

오히려 시장가봄 오른게 확 느끼죠.
3천쓰고 오던게 4천은 써지니.
팔라완짱 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-26 22:08 No. 1273942302
33 포인트 획득. 축하!
@ 고바우1 님에게...티비가 엄청 좋은건가봐요. 지금은 3만~5만주면 커브도 사고 화질도
엄청 좋던데요. 로컬시장가면 마늘 깨끗한게 500G 40페소, 계란 개당 5페소~6 페소..
코코넛 식초 큰통도 100페소대면 사고요. 몰에가보면 두배이상 줘도 양파는 너무작고...
닭도 몰보다 훨씬 싸요. 몰에서 사면 정말 살게 없더라구요.
고바우1 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-26 22:20 No. 1273942306
37 포인트 획득. 축하!
@ 팔라완짱 님에게...
주로 재래시장서 먹거리는 사죠.
닭은 주로 sm 돼지 쇠고긴 한인마트.
sm이 덜 싱싱하고 값은 비싸죠.

티비 65 큐에이치딘가? 나온지 얼마안되서샀는데
얼마전 가니 확....ㅋ
이젠 75도 나왔드만요.
티비 냉장곤 sm이 젤 싸요.
에어컨은 세이버스.
mrgre****@네이버-48 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-26 23:33 No. 1273942349
5 포인트 획득. ... 힘내세요!
음... 진짜 심각하군요
Dreams came true
쮸주 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-27 00:00 No. 1273942359
37 포인트 획득. 축하!
다른건 모르겠고 인플이션...이 아니구요..인플레이션 아닌가요?
아무리 복사를해서 옮겨도 기본은 확인 하시고 옮기는게....
필사남 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-27 01:50 No. 1273942411
3 포인트 획득. ... 쉬엄 쉬엄~
후덜덜 하네요. ㅠ
열공시대 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-27 06:29 No. 1273942460
44 포인트 획득. 축하!
물가가 너무 빠르게 뛰면 서민만 힘들어요....ㅠㅠ
사랑사랑사랑2 [쪽지 보내기] 2018-07-27 06:50 No. 1273942939
39 포인트 획득. 축하!
먼말인지 모르겠네요
즐겁고 행복한 하루 되세요
필리핀 코로나19 상황
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