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Hi! How are you doing today?(7)

Views : 3,144 2016-02-01 10:59
자유게시판 1271239691
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급조한아이디 [쪽지 보내기] 2016-02-01 15:19 No. 1271240731
It sucks to have no response at all, doesn't it? ;)
MissUnderwood [쪽지 보내기] 2016-02-01 18:18 No. 1271241360
PS... Thank you forn replying. ^^@ 급조한아이디 님에게...
MissUnderwood [쪽지 보내기] 2016-02-01 18:18 No. 1271241358
lol, it's okay. Perhaps they are all busy on a Monday. How are you? @ 급조한아이디 님에게...
급조한아이디 [쪽지 보내기] 2016-02-01 19:33 No. 1271241642
I am doing great. Thanks for asking. How about you? How's your day so far? Oh, the day is already over. It's evening! I hate Monday evening's traffic rush.
@ MissUnderwood 님에게...
MissUnderwood [쪽지 보내기] 2016-02-01 19:50 No. 1271241709
My day had been great too! Thank you. I'm glad that you're doing great. You seem to be a very friendly person. :D
Monday traffic jam is one of the worse specially during rush hours. I hope that you can get home safe and sound. :D
@ 급조한아이디 님에게...
급조한아이디 [쪽지 보내기] 2016-02-02 10:54 No. 1271244121
Another sunny day coming up! Hope you have a great day!
@ MissUnderwood 님에게...
MissUnderwood [쪽지 보내기] 2016-02-02 12:41 No. 1271244529
Thank you! Have a blessed day as well!@ 급조한아이디 님에게...
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